

Knowledge centre Huis Doorn and the First World War

This is the digital access to various book collections of Museum Huis Doorn.

The personal library of the last German Kaiser Wilhelm II (1859-1941)

This library has a so-called 'closed set-up'. Works from this collection can only be consulted on request.

The First World War library of the Western Front Association

The complete library of the Western Front Association (WFA) is on display in the reading room of the Doorn House and World War I Knowledge Centre. Publications from this library can be consulted in the gatehouse of Huis Doorn by anyone with an interest in the subject of WWI. WFA members can also borrow works.

The First World War library of Museum Huis Doorn

Stichting tot Beheer van Huis Doorn also has an extensive collection of books, periodicals and documentation on the First World War.

Air War Library 1914 - 1918

This library is displayed in the reading room of the Expertise Centre. During the First World War, aircraft were used as weapons for the first time. Initially used for defensive reconnaissance and observation, the aircraft would gradually be used for offensive and strategic purposes. The Airborne Library contains an extensive selection of publications relating to the history of aviation in the First World War.

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